Media accreditation

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Accreditation conditions

In order to ensure favorable conditions for the work of media representatives, the following regulation on the procedure for accreditation of media journalists to the International Forum “Woman of the Third Millennium” has been approved, within the framework of which the following will be presented:

Exhibition “By the hands of a woman”

The following accreditation quotas are set for editorial offices:

Newspapers of federal and regional importance – no more than two people.

News agencies – no more than two people.

TV companies – no more than four people.

Radio companies – no more than two people.

The data for accreditation must be provided one week before the event.

An accredited journalist has the right to:

An accredited journalist must:

  • free admission to the International Business Forum “Woman of the third Millennium”to receive a package of information materials for the media and press releases;
  • attend all events held on the International Business Forum “Woman of the Third Millennium”, except for those that have a closed status and entry to which is carried out by separate invitations;
  • to make recordings on the International Business Forum “Woman of the Third Millennium”, including with the use of audio and video equipment, film and photography, except for the cases provided for by law and this Regulation;
  • in consultation with the press service of the International Business Forum “Woman of the third Millennium” to receive additional information in the form of comments and explanations of the relevant officials.
  • comply with the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation ” On Mass Media»;
  • respect the rights, legitimate interests and business reputation of the organizers, participants and visitors of the International Business Forum “Woman of the Third Millennium”, as well as the honor and dignity of their officials;
  • when recording with the use of audio and video recording, film and photography with individual participants of the International Business Forum “Woman of the Third Millennium”, notify the latter about проведении записи/съёмки.

Media representatives are required to provide the press service of the International Business Forum “Woman of the Third Millennium “with ALL published materials (or copies thereof, with the date and time of publication) related to the International Business Forum” Woman of the Third Millennium ” within 3 days after the end of the event.

The Organizing Committee does not provide accreditation:

-who is not a media representative;

– Representatives of advertising magazines, catalogs and websites are not news portals;

– Media representatives who are neither journalists, nor cameramen, nor photojournalists, nor the editorial board.

Applications for accreditation should be sent by e-mail:

Contact person -Shakirzyanov Marat 8 968 441 84 51