Appointment of the Executive Director for Media Planning and Public Relations of the International Women’s Union

Appointment of the Executive Director for Media Planning and Public Relations of the International Women’s Union

Ekaterina Velichkina has been appointed Executive Director of Media Planning and Public Relations at the International Women's Union. Ekaterina Andreevna is an expert of the International Discussion Club "VISION 3000". Philanthropist, philanthropist, public figure, top media blogger with an audience of 2 million people. The business reputation of Ekaterina Velichkina, a public figure, is estimated at 100 million rubles. Ekaterina Velichkina has been actively engaged in business and social activities for many years, truthfully covering the life of a mother with many children, who raised three children alone for several years, on her social networks. Her main slogan is: "If I can do it, so can you." By her example, she shows how to fulfill her dreams and achieve her goals — to get married for the third time with…
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The organizing committee of the Conference has been formed on the topic: “Formation of Russian and Moscow cultural identity”

The organizing committee of the Conference has been formed on the topic: “Formation of Russian and Moscow cultural identity”

The organizing committee of the Conference has been formed on the topic: "Formation of Russian and Moscow cultural identity" (the project is being implemented with the support of Grants from the Mayor of Moscow for socially oriented NGOs of the Committee for Public Relations and Youth Policy of the City of Moscow). The Organizing Committee consists of: The Chairman of the Organizing Committee is Alfiya Ravilyevna Amirova– President of the International Women's Union. Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee – Shakirzyanov Marat Ildusovich – General Director of the Zur Art Foundation. Editor-in-chief of the online publication "Embassy Life" The secretary is Lebedeva Nadezhda Petrovna, Expert of the International Women's Union in the field of cultural studies. Full member, academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts. Kamil Gazimagomedovich Landa…
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From March 1 — new rules for issuing checks in restaurants and cafes

From March 1 — new rules for issuing checks in restaurants and cafes

Starting from March 1, 2025, new rules will be introduced in Russia for the use of cash registers in public catering establishments. Restaurants and cafes are now required to issue cash receipts to customers until they pay for services rendered. Previously, restaurants and cafes often used advance invoices or slips, which displayed the ordered dishes and their cost. After that, the payment was made, and the final cash receipt was provided to the client. However, this practice made it possible in some cases not to record the fact of payment through the CCT, which could lead to concealment of real revenue and underestimation of the tax base. According to the new requirements, after the customer agrees to pay for the order, the institution is obliged to generate and issue a…
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Deputy Speaker of the Shura Council affirms Qatar commitment to supporting women

Deputy Speaker of the Shura Council affirms Qatar commitment to supporting women

HE Deputy Speaker of the Shura Council Dr. Hessa bint Hassan Al Sulaiti affirmed the State of Qatars commitment to supporting women and enhancing their role across various developmental and societal fields. She also called for empowering women and strengthening their participation in achieving global peace. In her speech at the opening of the Third International Forum Woman of the Third Millennium, which began today in Moscow and will continue for two days, she said that under its wise leadership, the State of Qatar has set a model for empowering women, providing all means to enable Qatari women to become active partners in the national development process. @PAVEL YURASHShe added that women in Qatar now play a pivotal role in the labor market, in addition to their role in nurturing and…
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Qatar sets model for empowering women, says deputy speaker of Shura Council

Qatar sets model for empowering women, says deputy speaker of Shura Council

Deputy Speaker of the Shura Council HE Dr Hessa bint Hassan Al Sulaiti has affirmed Qatar’s commitment to supporting women and enhancing their role across various developmental and societal fields. She also called for empowering women and strengthening their participation in achieving global peace. In her speech at the opening of the Third International Forum Woman of the Third Millennium, which began in Moscow on Thursday and will continue for two days, Dr Sulaiti said that under its wise leadership, Qatar has set a model for empowering women, providing all means to enable Qatari women to become active partners in the national development process. She added that women in Qatar now play a pivotal role in the labour market, in addition to their role in nurturing and caring for families,…
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From January 1, 2025, mandatory registration for popular social media channels will be introduced: main changes

From January 1, 2025, mandatory registration for popular social media channels will be introduced: main changes

On January 1, 2025, Federal Law No. 303-FZ of 08.08.2024 comes into force in Russia, introducing mandatory registration of owners of social media channels with an audience of more than 10,000 subscribers. The law applies to all popular platforms, including YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram and others. Objectives of the innovation Increasing the transparency of the work of popular bloggers and media personalities. Tightening control over advertising content and ensuring its compliance with legal requirements. Responsibilities of owners of social media channels Registration with Roskomnadzor: Owners of major channels are required to register as an official media resource. Income reporting: If there is an advertising activity, it is necessary to provide income data. Compliance with the law: Channel owners are required to comply with Russian legislation, including: Labeling of advertising content.…
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To be a woman. Be an agrarian. Be a leader

To be a woman. Be an agrarian. Be a leader

Today, in agriculture, as in many other areas of the economy, women often set the tone. Agriculture is not just a large part of the economy, it is a strategic sector that ensures the country's food security. It is difficult to imagine a woman at the helm of two large and successful agricultural enterprises, but Rima Gumerovna Safiullova is an example of the fact that there are no impossible tasks for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Looking back, I can say that my career path is not easy, but at the same time it is interesting. It began with the activity of the artistic director of the Novoishlinsky rural House of Culture of the Drozhzhanovsky district of Tatarstan, and 26 years ago I first came to the Tetyushsky district.…
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The official representative of the International Women’s Union is changing the life of a Siberian city!

The official representative of the International Women’s Union is changing the life of a Siberian city!

Rufina Akhmadyanova: an entrepreneur who is changing the life of the city. [caption id="attachment_8534" align="aligncenter" width="2000"] Фото с Официального сайта Администрации города Новый Уренгой[/caption] The idea that changed everything Rufina's business history began with a small but important step – the sale of normoflorines. She realized that the residents of Novy Urengoy have an urgent need for affordable and high-quality products to maintain their health. Inspired by this idea, Rufina decided to open an eco-market for healthy food, which would become not only a business, but also a socially significant project for the city. To launch her first store, she sought support from the My Business Center, where she received a loan and also won a grant from the Department of Economics. These funds became the launching pad for the…
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Happy New Year 2025!

Happy New Year 2025!

The International Women's Union wishes you a Happy New Year! On the eve of the coming year, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for your trusting attitude towards us and wish you great success in the New Year. We sincerely hope that there are many new interesting projects ahead of us! What the coming year will be like depends on each of us. Therefore, first of all, we wish you great achievements, discoveries and hopes. May the coming year 2025 only multiply the number of happy moments, dear people will be near you, and the warmth of the family hearth will attract welcome guests. Please accept our sincere wishes of health, well-being, happiness and prosperity!
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Changes in customs legislation from January 1 to January 11, 2025

Changes in customs legislation from January 1 to January 11, 2025

The most interesting and important legal acts relate to an increase in customs duty rates, changes to the lists of standards for some technical regulations, additional charges when calculating the customs value of goods, etc. In this review, we will consider the list of regulatory legal acts that come into force from January 1 to January 11, 2025. January 1st: * Federal Law No. 173-FZ of 04/28/2023: Russian organizations and sole proprietors receive the right to apply a zero VAT rate (0%) when selling goods to individuals abroad, if these goods were previously exported and shipped from a warehouse abroad. This is similar to the terms of trade with foreign companies. * Decision of the Board of the EEC dated 29.10.2024 No. 119: Changes to the list of goods and import duty…
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