Regulations on the International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium” in 2024.
1. General provisions
1.1. The International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium” (hereinafter referred to as the Award) is held by the “International Women’s Union”.
1.2. Official website of the Award
1.3. An organization of any organizational and legal form, as well as an individual, can nominate candidates for participation in the Award.
2. Goals and objectives of the International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium”
2.1. Objectives of the Award:
- improving the social status of women in modern society;
- drawing public attention to the contribution of women to socio-economic development;
- enhancing women’s participation in public and cultural life;
- development and support of women’s entrepreneurship;
- getting public recognition.
2.2. Objectives of the Award:
- creating conditions for the self-realization and disclosure of the potential of women in various fields;
- identification on a competitive basis, public recognition and support of women who have achieved outstanding results in various fields of activity;
- informing the public about the achievements of women in various fields of activity;
- strengthening of partnership and development of cooperation between public authorities, public associations and other organizations
3. The order of organization and holding of the Award “Woman of the third Millennium”
- 3.1. An organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the “Woman of the Third Millennium” Award in 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) is being created for the Award.
- 3.2. The Organizing Committee develops an “Action Plan for the preparation and holding of the Award in 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan), which is approved by the Chairman of the organizing Committee.
- 3.3. The action plan provides for the following main activities:The Woman of the Third Millennium Award;
- 3.4. The general management of the Award is carried out by the organizing committee.
- 3.5. To summarize the results of the Award, a jury is created, the composition of which is approved by the organizing committee.
- 3.6. Decisions of the organizing committee and the jury are made by majority vote.
- 3.7. Information about the Award, as well as the Action Plan are posted on the website
4. Award Nominations:
- Leader of the Year
The best achievements in culture and art
The best public initiative (for contribution to society)
The best entrepreneur of the Year
Mentoring and transfer of experience
The Best Designer of the Year
The best achievements in the field of medicine, health and beauty
The best achievements in the field of digitalization. - The best achievements in the media space (enterprises related to cinema, television, radio, print media and publishing, Internet resources and services, mobile telecommunications, advertising and PR activities, etc.)
- 5. Rules for the organization and holding of the “Woman of the Third Millennium” Award
5.1. The participants of the “Woman of the Third Millennium” Award can be women – citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign countries. Members of the organizing committee and the jury cannot participate in the “Woman of the Third Millennium” contest.
5.2. The criteria of the competitive selection are the outstanding results of the candidate achieved in professional (official) activities, his active participation in socio-economic development, public, charitable and entrepreneurial activities in accordance with the nominations of the contest “Woman of the third Millennium”.
5.3. After REGISTRATION, a candidate for participation in the “Woman of the Third Millennium” Award must submit the following documents to the organizing committee by e-mail:
The candidate’s application form in the prescribed form. Appendix 1.
A color photo of the applicant-candidate. PHOTO to the participant’s questionnaire in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 1024 *768 pixels (300dpi).
Copies of documents confirming the fact of the applicant-candidate’s professional (official) activity.
A video business card. – this is a video about himself lasting 1.5-2 minutes, in the standard AVI format (stands for — Audio Video Interleave (alternation of audio and video), or in the standard MPEG-4 format, where he creatively presents himself, his activities, achievements, hobbies, awards, etc.
Photo and video materials, publications in the mass media, as well as other materials about the candidate, testifying to his outstanding results in professional (official) activities, active participation in socio-economic development, public and charitable activities and other areas.
Consent to the processing of personal data. Appendix 2.
5.4 The winner of the “Woman of the Third Millennium” Award in each nomination is determined in two stages:
5.4.1. The first stage is the consideration by the Organizing Committee of the submitted application forms and portfolios from candidates and the formation of lists of candidates admitted to participate in the Competition in the relevant nominations.
5.4.2. The second stage is a meeting of the professional jury of the Award to determine the winners in each nomination.
5.5. The participant may withdraw his candidacy from the Award. The participant of the Award is considered to have withdrawn his candidacy from the date of receipt of the relevant application to the chairman of the jury.
5.6. The International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium” provides for the registration fee of the participant. The financing of the Competition events is carried out at the expense of the registration fee, as well as through partner participation.
5.7. The rights of the Nominee:
to receive complete and reliable information about the conditions of the Award;
contact the Organizer for an explanation of the points of this Regulation;
mention the status of the Award Nominee in their activities after receiving this status;
nominees can post a post and a story about their participation in the award on their social media pages;
get a diploma of the Award PARTICIPANT in an online format.
get full information support (posting the information provided on the contest website , on the organizer’s website and the information partner of the Online publication “Embassy Life” /)
5.8. Duties of the Nominee:
To get acquainted with the rules of the Award beforehand, to study the requirements for participation in the Award;
Provide timely information about yourself, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation;
Indicate in the Nominee’s application and questionnaire only reliable information according to the rules established by this Regulation;
5.9. Responsibility of Nominees:
By submitting the application and filling out the questionnaire, the nominees confirm their consent to the use of the application materials in the information materials of the Award. In case of intentional violation of the rules of the Award listed in this Provision, the Organizer has the right to exclude the nominee from the list of applicants for the Award. Notification to the participant about the withdrawal of his right to participate in the Award is sent by e-mail.
5.10. The rights of the Organizer.
The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the Award Regulations and reject applications that do not comply with the Award Regulations.
6.Dates of the event
- Applications are accepted until November 7, 2024
Solemn awarding ceremony on November 15, 2024. (the exact date is subject to approval)
7.Awarding the winners of the Award.
7.1. The winners of the “Woman of the Third Millennium” Award are announced at the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the “Woman of the Third Millennium” Award, on the official websites of the event, the organizer and partners.
7.2. The winners of the Award are awarded diplomas at the award ceremony, Award in the form of symbols. By the decision of the jury, special prizes may be awarded to individual contestants.
8. Partners.
8.1. Participation in the “Woman of the Third Millennium” Award as a partner will be an important event in the history of your company and will undoubtedly contribute to improving the international status of the company, Partner Preferences on the Award website.
8.2. In addition to financial partners, prize sponsors and information partners can become partners of the Award. The rights and obligations of the Award partners are determined by the respective partner packages.
9. Legal information.
This Award is not a competition regulated by Articles 447-449 of Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, the Award procedure does not impose on the Organizer an appropriate amount of civil obligations, including obligations to conclude any contract with the winner of the Award or another participant based on the results of the Award.
10. About responsibility.
The organizer of the Award is not responsible for possible direct or indirect losses, damages, lost profits that may arise from participants and applicants in connection with participation in the Award, its holding and summing up.
11. Registration.
Each participant undergoes mandatory REGISTRATION in accordance with the form, sends the requested information at the point 5.3. This provision. After registration, a representative of the organizing committee will contact you.
Appendix No. 1
Participant’s questionnaire
- Full name:
- Date of birth:
- Education:
- Place of work, position, field of activity:
- Residential address(Country, region, city, locality):
- Phones for operational communication, e-mail:
- Available awards, incentives (medals, badges, certificates of honor, diplomas,
- thanks):
- Marital status:
- Participation in public activities:
- Award Nomination
- Hobbies, traditions:
- Hobbies:
- Other information that the participant considers important to report about himself:
- Participant’s signature:
- Date of filling in:
*Note: the questionnaire is filled in personally by the participant of the regional competition.
The application form must be accompanied by the documents specified in 4.4. of this Regulation.
All documents are accepted by mail until November 10, 2024
Appendix No. 2
for the processing of personal data
I, ______________________________________________________________
(last name, first name)
resident(s) (country, city)_____________________________________________
identity document: series _________ № ____________________,
in accordance with the requirements of Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27 , 2006
No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, freely, by his will and in his interest
I give my consent to the NGO “International Union of Women” (organizer of the “Woman of the Third Millennium” Award) to process my following personal data:
- last name, first name, patronymic (if any);
- identity document (series, number, issued by whom and when);
- address of registration and actual residence;
- e–mail address, in case of absence of e-mail – postal;
- contact phone number;
I consent to the use of personal data, as well as the placement of my photos and video content exclusively within the framework of the International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium”, as well as to the storage of all the above-mentioned data on electronic media. Also, with this consent, I authorize the collection of my personal data, their storage, systematization, updating, use (including transfer to third parties for information exchange), as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current law of the Russian Federation.
It has been brought to my attention that the International Women’s Union guarantees the processing of my personal data in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The validity period of this consent is not limited. Consent may be revoked at any time upon my written application.
I confirm that by giving my consent, I am acting without coercion, of my own free will and in my own interests.
____________________________________ «___» __________ 20___ .
(last name, first name)
- 8 967 148 38 32 (WA)
- 8 968 441 84 51 (WA)